Institute for the History of Medicine and Science “López Piñero”
Second Workshop and Call for Posters Session
Experts in the periphery
Valencia (Spain)
1-2 December 2011
(limite: November 15, 2011)
Institute for the History of Medicine and Science “López Piñero” <>, Valencia (Spain).
The main aim is to present the research on “Experts in the periphery”. A session was held in the 7th STEP meeting (Galway, 17-19th June 2010) including papers dealing with topics such as how expert knowledge is appropriated in the periphery, expert credentials, making standards, perceptions of risk, boundaries between experts and lay people, sources of trustworthiness, legitimacy and authority of scientific experts, civic epistemologies and images of experts in popular culture, science and law in different legal contexts, etc. The papers analyzed a broad range of cases including engineering (in Spain and Britain), radioactivity (in Austria and France), microbiology and food analysis (in Belgium and Spain), soil science (in Russia) and toxicology (in England and Spain). The group includes historians working on both center and peripheral areas in order to revisit these historical categories and discuss their usefulness to the study of experts and expertise.
This second workshop (Valencia, 1-2 December 2011) will include eight papers and two plenary lectures by Ian Burney (University of Manchester, UK) and Graeme Gooday (University of Leeds, UK). See program for further details.
A poster session will be organized in order to allow predoctoral or postdoctoral students to present their research topic which must be connected to the workshop.
A limited number of grants will be provided in order to cover accommodation for three nights. Applicants may apply by sending a CV and a draft title and abstract by e-mail to before November 15, 2011.
Wednesday November 30, 2011
- Opening lecture: 17h - Ian Burney (University of Manchester, UK), "A World in Miniature: Dust and the Forensic Imagination”. (Public lecture)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
- 9-9:30h. - Opening address by the organizing committee.
Session I – 9:30-12:30h.
Chair: José Ramón Bertomeu
- 9:30-10:15 h. - Christelle Rabier (The London School of Economics, UK), “Expertise, Labour, and the Public Sphere: the case of 18c European medicine”
- 10:15-11h. - Katherine Watson (Oxford Brookes University, UK), “Medico-legal expertise in comparative perspective: England and Wales, 1730-1914”.
11-11:15 h. - Coffee break
- 11:15h-12h. - Mar Cuenca (Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia “López Piñero” (CSIC-UV),Spain), “Poisons, experts and the shaping of Nineteenth century Spanish toxicology: the María Bonamot trial (1844-1847)”.
12-12:30h. – Discussion
12:30-13h. Poster session
13-14h. - Lunch
Session II – 14:30-16:30h.
Chair: Stathis Arapostathis
- 14:30-15:15h. - Marina Loskutova (Institute for the history of science and technology, St. Petersburg branch), “Forests, climate, government and scientists: environmental expertise in the 19th century Russia”.
- 15:15-16h. - Ximo Guillem (Universitat de València, Spain), “The role of experts in food safety regulations. The Spanish Real Academia de Medicina and the limits of fraud”.
16-16:30 h. - Discussion.
16:30-17h. Poster session
17-18:30h. - Key-note lecture
- Graeme Gooday (University of Leeds, UK), “Ethnicity, expertise and authority”. (Public lecture)
20h - Meeting dinner
Friday December 2, 2011
Session III – 9:30-12h.
Chair: Ximo Guile
- 9:30-10:15h - Silke Fengler (University of Vienna, Austria), “Austrian Experts and the International Pugwash Movement”.
- 10:15-11h - Darina Martykánová (Universität Potsdam, Germany), “Engineers in the Ottoman Empire: Expert Governmentalities during the Second Constitutional Period (1908-1922)”.
11-11:15h - Coffee break.
- 11:15-12h - Stathis Arapostathis (Cardiff University, UK), “Meters, Patents, and Expertise (s): Knowledge Networks in the Electric Meters Industry, 1880-1914”.
12-12:30h - Discussion
13-14:30h - Lunch
Session IV - 15-17h.
Chair: Katherine Watson
- 15-15:45h - José Ramón Bertomeu Sánchez (Universitat de València, Spain): “Chemistry, microscopy and smell: Blood stains and nineteenth-century legal medicine.”
- 15:45-16:30h - Ian Burney (University of Manchester, UK), “Spaces and Traces: The Making of Modern Crime Scene”
16:30-17h - Discussion
- 17h. Concluding remarks
For further information and detailed program please visit:
Or contact:
- Jose R. Bertomeu-Sánchez
- Mar Cuenca-Lorente
- Ximo Guillem Llobat