Chercher in Nomôdos

2 avr. 2014

Univ. Edinburgh Edinburgh Law School, Legal Hist. Discussion Group, Conf. X. Prévost, "The use of the Glossators and Commentators by Jacques Cujas (1522-1590): a humanist criticism of the medieval jurisprudence", Edinburgh, 2 mai 2014

Information transmise par X. Prévost
University of Edimburg
Edimburg Law School
Legal History Discussion Group

Xavier Prévost
(Sorbonne Law School, Université Paris I - Ecole nationale des chartes, Paris)
The use of the Glossators and Commentators by Jacques Cujas (1522-1590): a humanist criticism of the medieval jurisprudence

2 mai 2014 (5:30pm-7:30pm)

  • Lorimer Room, Old College, Edimburg