Chercher in Nomôdos

23 févr. 2010

"National Geographic News": Découverte de manuscrits anciens

Informations transmises par Fr. Audren et Y.-A. Durelle-Marc:
Découverte de manuscrits anciens

  • Lost Roman Codex Fragments Found in Book Binding. Scraps of law text had been hidden in 16th-century books' spines
"Fragments of a lost ancient Roman law text have been rediscovered in the scrap paper used to bind other books.
The Codex Gregorianus, or Gregorian Code, was compiled by an otherwise unknown man named Gregorius at the end of the third century A.D. It started a centuries-long tradition of collecting Roman emperors' laws in a single manuscript.
[...]" - Lire la suite

  • New Layer of Ancient Greek Writings Detected in Medieval Book, by Kate Ravilious,for National Geographic News, April 26, 2007
At first glance, the manuscript appears to be a medieval Christian prayer book. "But on the same pages as the prayers, experts using a high-tech imaging system have discovered commentary likely written in the third century A.D. on a work written around 350 B.C. by the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
[...]"- Lire la suite