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19 sept. 2012

Univ. Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense/ENS, CTAD: Conf. Fr. Schauer, "Legal Rules and Legal Realism", Nanterre, 8 oct. 2012

Information transmise par Fr. Audren:
Université de Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense / Ecole normale supérieure
Centre de Théorie et Analyse du Droit UMR CNRS 7074
Séminaire du Centre de Théorie et Analyse du Droit

Frederick Schauer 
(David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law University of Virginia)
Editeur de The Theory of Rules by Karl Llewellyn (Univ. of Chicago Press, 2009) 

Legal Rules and Legal Realism 

8 octobre 2012 (17h) 
Le cœur de la critique des Réalistes américains à l’encontre de la conception traditionnelle de l’indétermination du droit réside dans le fait que les «règles de papier» ne sont qu’une formulation approximative des règles qui servent effectivement à la motivation des décisions de justice. Autrement dit, les juges suivent des règles mais les règles qu’ils suivent ne sont pas celles qu’on trouve dans les sources juridiques officielles. Cette distinction a été assimilée à celle proposée par Hart entre les «cas faciles» et les «cas difficiles» et l’assimilation a semblé vider la critique réaliste de son venin. En réalité, les Réalistes ont cherché à montrer que les «règles de papier» ne correspondaient jamais aux règles effectivement suivies par les juges.
Le défi sceptique des Réalistes est donc toujours vif et mérite d’être pris au sérieux. Il oblige à repenser la distinction entre les «cas faciles» et les «cas difficiles». 

Frederick Schauer is  David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Virginia, where he teaches Constitutional Law, Evidence, and Jurisprudence.   He is also Frank Stanton Professor of the First Amendment, Emeritus, at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, where he taught from 1990 to 2008, served as Academic Dean and Acting Dean, and taught Evidence and the First Amendment at the Harvard Law School.  Previously he was Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, James Goold Cutler Professor of Law at the College of William and Mary, and Associate Professor of Law at West Virginia University, and has also been the Fischel-Neil Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Chicago, Morton Distinguished Visiting Professor of the Humanities at Dartmouth College, Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto, Distinguished Visitor at New York University, and Eastman Professor and Fellow of Balliol College at Oxford University.   A Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and former holder of a Guggenheim Fellowship, Schauer is the author of The Law of Obscenity (BNA, 1976), Free Speech: A Philosophical Enquiry (Cambridge, 1982), Playing By the Rules: A Philosophical Examination of Rule-Based Decision-Making in Law and in Life (Clarendon/Oxford, 1991), Profiles, Probabilities, and Stereotypes (Harvard, 2003), and Thinking Like a Lawyer: A New Introduction to Legal Reasoning (Harvard, 2009).  He was a founding co-editor of the journal Legal Theory, and has served as chair of the Section on Constitutional Law of the Association of American Law Schools, chair of the Committee on Philosophy and Law of the American Philosophical Association, member of the Board of Governors of the MacArthur Foundation Law and Neuroscience Project, and member of the Board of Visitors of the Nelson Rockefeller Center for Public Policy at Dartmouth College.  In 2006 Schauer was the author of the Foreword for the Harvard Law Review’s annual Supreme Court issue, and has written extensively on freedom of speech and press, constitutional law and theory, evidence, legal reasoning, and the philosophy of law.  In addition to his permanent positions, Schauer has taught, lectured, or advised on legal and constitutional development in numerous countries, including Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, France, Spain Portugal, China, Vietnam, Ethiopia, India, China, Singapore, Mexico, Indonesia, Israel, Poland, Finland, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Germany, Russia, Estonia, and the Netherlands.  His books have been translated into Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Turkish, and his scholarship has been the subject of a book (Rules and Reasoning: Essays in Honour of Fred Schauer, Linda Meyer, ed., Hart Publishing, 1999) and special issues of the Notre Dame, Connecticut, and Quinnipiac Law Reviews, Politeia, and the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.  Schauer is a graduate of Dartmouth College, the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth, and the Harvard Law School.  In 2005 he was the recipient of a university-wide distinguished teacher award from Harvard University.

Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, UFR de Droit et Sciences Politiques, 200, avenue de la République – F. 92001 Nanterre Cedex, Salle des Actes, F.141
