Information transmise par Ed. Danti:
Fédération internationale des Instituts d'Etudes médiévales
Gabinete de Filosofia medieval / Instituto de filosofia da Universidade do Porto
Secrets and Discovery in the Middle Ages - 5th European Congress of Medieval Studies
Secret et découverte au Moyen Âge
Ve Congrès Européen d'Études Médiévales
Segredo e descoberta na Idade Média - Vº Congresso Europeu de Estudos Medievais
25-29 juin 2013
Porto (Portugal)
Faculdade de Letras
3rd release, 03.06.2013
Thèmes des sessions
- Session 1. - The Ordered Universe
- Sess° 2. - Government and Diplomacy
- Sess° 3. - Arthurian Medieval Literature
- Sess° 4. - Secrets and Mysticism
- Sess° 5. - Nature and Supernatural
- Sess° 6. - Prophecy and Divination
- Sess° 7. - Holiness and Relics
- Sess° 8. - Symbolism and Representation
- Sess° 9. - Religious and Hagiographical Literature
- Sess° 10. - Geography and Imaginary Geography
- Sess° 11. - The Ordered Universe (2)
- Sess° 12. - Los secretos de los florilegios latinos medievales (1)
- Sess° 13. - Philology and texts’ transmission
- Sess° 14. - Time, Space and the Sciences
- Sess° 15. - Philosophy (1)
- Sess° 16. - Los secretos de los florilegios latinos medievales (2)
- Sess° 17. - Prophecy and Eschatology
- Sess° 18. - Secrets of Medieval Manuscripts (1)
- Sess° 19. - Secrets and discoveries in medieval manuscripts (2)
- Sess° 20. - Health and Life
- Sess° 21. - The Ordered Universe
- Sess° 22. - Secrets and intimacy
- Sess° 23. - Holiness and Cult
- Sess° 24. - Truth and Fake
- Sess° 25. - Philosophy and Knowledge
- Sess° 26. - Characters, Visions and Dreams
- Sess° 27. - Medieval Arts
- Sess° 28. - Harmony and Inner Voices
- Sess° 29. - Courtly Secrets
- Sess° 30. - Holiness and Relics
- Sess° 31. - Imago mundi: Translating Philosophy in the Middle Ages
- Sess° 32. - Classical Literature in the Middle Ages
- Sess° 33. - Unknown Worlds and Travel Literature
- Sess° 34. - Philosophy (3)
- Sess° 35. - Revelation and Eschatology
- Sess° 36. - Cult and Monastic Life
- Sess° 37. - Secrets in Art and Iconography
- Sess° 38. - Literature and Secrets
- Sess° 39. - Secrets and the Sense of Life
- Sess° 40. - Iberian Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy
Source et informations complémentaires: