Information transmise par D. Gilles:
Université de Zurich (Faculté de droit)
Poste à pourvoir
Professeur de fondements du droit
(aspects théoriques, philosophiques, éthiques, sociaux,
comportementaux et économiques du droit)
(Prise de fonctions au 1er août 2014)
(limite candidatures: 1er novembre 2013)
La Faculté de droit de l'Université de Zurich propose un poste de
- Professeur de fondements du droit (aspects théoriques, philosophiques, éthiques, sociaux, comportementaux et économiques du droit)
à pourvoir au début du semestre d'automne 2014 (1er août 2014).
Le/la candidat(e) dispose d'excellentes compétences théoriques et d'expérience probante dans un ou plusieurs des domaines indiqués.
La personne intéressée doit être en possession d'une habilitation dans ce domaine spécifique (obtenue ou en coursd'obtention) ou d'une qualification équivalente.
Nous proposons au candidat retenu un statut de open rank (professeur titulaire/extraordinaire ou assistant). Pour de plus amples informations sur le profil recherché, rendez-vous sur :
L'Université aspire à augmenter la proportion de femmes dans la recherche et l'enseignement et encourage donc les candidates scientifiques qui ont les qualifications requises à postuler.
Veuillez envoyer votre dossier de candidature (CV, liste de vos publications et conférences, liste des cours donnés et des fonds de tiers reçus) avant le 1er novembre 2013 par courrier électronique à l'adresse e-mail suivante :
Il vous sera demandé, le cas échéant, de remettre les ouvrages séparément, sous forme imprimée.
Pour tout renseignement concernant le dépôt de votre candidature, veuillez vous adresser au
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Mahlmann (, Université de Zurich, Décanat de la Faculté de droit, Rämistrasse, 74/2, CH-8001 Zurich
Annonce en Anglais
(site de l'Université de Zurich)
Professorship in the Fundamentals of Law
(theoretical, philosophical, ethical, social, behavioral and economic perspectives on the law)
veröffentlicht am: 03.10.2013
Institut / Abteilung
Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich
At the Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich, at the beginning of the
Autumn semester 2014 (August 1, 2014), a professorship in the Fundamentals of Law (theoretical, philosophical, ethical, social, behavioral and economic perspectives on the law) is to be filled.
Applicants should have excellent academic achievement and teaching experience in one or more of the areas of specialization mentioned. A post-doctoral lecture qualification (at or near completion) or an equivalent qualification is a prerequisite.
The professorship is assigned an open rank (tenured, associate or assistant professorship. The applicant's research and teaching experience should be in the fundamental aspects of law, considered from theoretical, philosophical, ethical, social, cultural, behavioral and economic perspectives. Because there is a special need to supplement the current professorship in the sociology of law, it would be especially desirable to grant the chair to an applicant who is scientifically competent in this field also.
Excellent teaching skills are a must. Due to a great need for collaboration with the fundamen-tals specialty group and with the faculty, a capacity for teamwork and willingness to work with the specialty group and the faculty are very important.
The basic research is highly international. In recent years, the Faculty of Law has greatly ex-panded its foreign-language instructional offerings, especially those in English. In the funda-mentals discipline, various courses are offered in English. The faculty wishes to expand these instructional offerings. For that reason, but also due to the Faculty of Law's various collabora-tions with foreign universities and the associated student exchanges, it is important that the new professor has good language proficiency and, in particular, that he or she is able to hold instruction in English.
An applicant with inadequate German proficiency can be accepted after an appropriate period of German language training.
Basic research is not associated with a national legal system. Nevertheless, it is indispensable for a law faculty in Switzerland to perform basic research on the Swiss legal system and to maintain this component in the instruction. It is therefore expected that applicants lacking knowledge of the Swiss legal system learn it within an appropriate time. At the same time, depending on professional background, specific orientations can be set, such as in one of the main doctrinal fields of public law, criminal law or civil law.
Please send your application (CV, list of publications and lectures, list of courses taught, and third-party grants) electronically by November 1, 2013 to the following e-mail address:
Submission of publications in printed form will be requested separately, if required.
- Beginning of Autumn Semester 2014 (Aug. 1, 2014)
For questions regarding the competition, please contact
- Dr. Matthias Mahlmann (
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen an oben genannte E-Mail-Adresse.
- Patrizia Ossola, Universität Zürich, Dekanat Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Rämistrasse 74/2, 8001 Zürich
- 01.11.2013