Chercher in Nomôdos

5 janv. 2014

Offre souscript°: M. Adams et D. Heirbaut (ed.) "The Method and Culture of Comparative Law. Essays in Honour of M. Van Hoecke", Hart Pub., 2014

Information transmise par Fr. Dhondt:
Offre de souscription

Maurice Adams and Dirk Heirbaut (ed.)
The Method and Culture of Comparative Law
Essays in Honour of Marc Van Hoecke

Oxford, Hart Publishing, may 2014, 304p., Hbk 9781849466233, RSP: 60£/78€ (order now and receive 20% discount; discount price: 48£/62.4€)
Présentation éditeur
Awareness of the need to deepen the methodological foundations of legal research is only recent. The same is true for comparative law, by nature a more adventurous branch of legal research, which is often something researchers simply do, whenever they look at foreign legal systems to answer one or more of a range of questions about law, whether these questions are doctrinal, economic, sociological, etc. Given the diversity of comparative research projects, the precise contours of the methods employed, or the epistemological issues raised by them, are to a great extent a function of the nature of the research questions asked. As a result, the search for a unique, one-size-fits-all comparative law methodology is unlikely to be fruitful. That however doesn't make reflection on the methodology and culture of comparative law meaningless. Marc Van Hoecke has, throughout his career, been interested in many topics, but legal theory, comparative law and methodology of law stand out. Building upon his work, this book brings together a group of leading authors working at the crossroads of these themes: the methodology of comparative law.

  • Maurice Adams is Full Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of Tilburg.
  • Dirk Heirbaut is Professor of Legal History and Roman Law at Ghent University.
  • Maurice Adams
  • John Bell
  • Joxerramon Bengoetxea
  • Roger Brownsword
  • Seán Patrick Donlan
  • Rob van Gestel and Hans Micklitz
  • Patrick Glenn
  • Jaap Hage
  • Dirk Heirbaut
  • Jaakko Husa
  • Souichirou Kozuka and Luke Nottage
  • Martin Löhnig
  • Susan Millns
  • Toon Moonen
  • Francois Ost
  • Heikki Pihlajamäki
  • Geoffrey Samuel
  • Mathias Siems
  • Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde
  • Catherine Valcke and Matthew Grellette
  • Alain Wijffels
Bulletin de souscription

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