Université Paris 13
PLEIADE (Paris 13) et HCTI (UBO Brest)
One-Day Conference / Journée d’étude
Towards a British model of sociability: adaptation and opposition
Vers un modèle de sociabilité britannique: dynamiques et conflits
13 mars 2015
Friday 13 March 2015
Salle B203, UFR LLSHS, Université Paris 13
9h. - Welcome
- 9h15. - Keynote speaker: Elaine CHALUS (Bath Spa University, UK): ‘A most Sociable & cheerful Eveng.’: Considering Sociability Across a Female Life - Elizabeth Wynne Fremantle (1778-1857).
Session 1: Exchanges, influences and oppositions
Chair: Suzy HALIMI (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3)
- 10h15. - Helen PFEIFER (University of Cambridge, UK): Ottoman infl uences on British and French sociabilities.
- 10h40. - Michèle COHEN (Richmond University / UCL, Institute of Education, UK): Accomplishments /arts d’agréments and sociability in France and England.
11h05. - Coffee break
- 11h25. - P-Y. BEAUREPAIRE (Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis): Circulations maçonniques croisées et appropriations culturelles entre Londres et Paris.
- 11h50. - Elisabeth MARTICHOU (Université Paris 13): The Limits of Sociability in the French and English Royal Academies of painting.
12h15. - Discussion.
12h30 Lunch break
Session 2: New social practices: towards a British model?
Chair: Valérie CAPDEVILLE (Université Paris 13)
- 14h. - Markman ELLIS (Queen Mary University of London, UK): Tea-Table Sociability in early eighteenth-century Britain.
- 14h25. - Annick COSSIC (UBO Brest): The British ‘sociable’ body in Tobias Smollett’s medical and travel writings.
- 14h50. - Lawrence KLEIN (University of Cambridge, UK): ‘Mixed company’ in eighteenth-century Britain.
15h15 Discussion
15h30 Coffee break
Session 3: National representations of sociability
Chair : Michèle Cohen (Richmond University / UCL, Institute of Education, UK)
- 15h50. - Ioana GALLERON (UBS Lorient): Formes et sens de la sociabilité dans la comédie de moeurs et la ‘comedy of manners’
- 16h15. - Eric FRANCALANZA (UBO Brest): Les ‘Mémoires du comte de Grammont’ d’Hamilton (1713) ou la représentation d’une sociabilité ambiguë, entre France et Angleterre.
- 16h40. - Alain KERHERVE (UBO Brest): Vers une sociabilité épistolaire britannique?
17h05. - Discussion
17h20. - Round table
18h15. - End
- Valérie Capdeville (capdeville@iutv.univ-paris13.fr)
- Annick Cossic (annick.cossic@univ-brest.fr)
- Alain Kerhervé (alain.kerherve@univ-brest.fr)
- Salle B203 (UFR LLSHS) - Université Paris 13, avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément, Villetaneuse
Source: http://f.hypotheses.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/2411/files/2014/10/programmeTowards_British-sociability-2.jpg
Illustr. Université Paris 13 - janvier 2015 - Photo : James Gillray, Politeness, H. Humphrey [1779?]. Courtesy of the Lewis Walpole Library.
Illustr. Université Paris 13 - janvier 2015 - Photo : James Gillray, Politeness, H. Humphrey [1779?]. Courtesy of the Lewis Walpole Library.