Chercher in Nomôdos

3 sept. 2015

Max Planck Institute for European Legal History monograph series: "Global Perspectives on Legal History"

Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
monograph series

Global Perspectives on Legal History

ISSN: 2196-9752
The monograph series Global Perspectives on Legal History opens up the legal history of Europe to the history of its global connections. Monographs, editions of primary sources, and collections of essays will be published online in open access as well as high-quality print-on-demand versions.
Released volumes

Scheduled volumes
  • New Horizons of Spanish Colonial Law: Contributions to Transnational Early Modern Legal History, Thomas Duve / Heikki Pihlajamäki (eds.)
  • Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en Iberoamérica: Nueva España, siglos XVI-XIX, Benedetta Albani / Otto Danwerth / Thomas Duve (eds.)
  • Spatial and Temporal Dimensions for Legal History: Research Experiences and Itineraries, Massimo Meccarelli and Maria Julia Solla Sastre (eds.)
  • Tridentine Marriage in a Global Perspective, Benedetta Albani / Paolo Aranha / Michela Catto (eds.)
  • Außergerichtliche Konfliktlösung in der Antike – Beispiele aus drei Jahrtausenden, Guido Pfeifer und Nadine Grotkamp (Hg.)
  • Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en Iberoamérica: Péru, siglos XVI-XIX, Benedetta Albani / Otto Danwerth / Thomas Duve (eds.)
  • Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en Iberoamérica: Nuevo Reino de Granada, siglos XVI-XIX, Benedetta Albani / Otto Danwerth / Pilar Mejia (eds.)