XXV. World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
Frankfurt am Main
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Conference site:
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main - Campus Westend - Grüneburgplatz 1 60629 Frankfurt am Main
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Start of Registration (Online): 1 Sep. 2010
Conference Registration of Present Participants on Site: 14 Aug. 2011
- 24 February 2011: List of workshops
- 15 April 2011: List of Working Groups
- 2 May 2011: Academic program
IVR Workshop at Goethe University
Legal Normativity and the Philosophy of Practical Reason
Thinking differently about timeless questions....
issue No. 2
15th-16th-18th Aug. 2011
Arguably law should be understood in continuity with practical reason. However, there has been little effort to this day to clarify the interconnection between the sphere of legal rules and principles, intentional action and practical reason. The workshop aims to provide a platform for the discussion of these relationships, by bringing ideas from key philosophical traditions to bear on central jurisprudential concepts such as ʻauthorityʼ, ʻobligationʼ, ʻrule-followingʼ, ʻnormativityʼ, ʻcausationʼ and ʻresponsibilityʼ.
The subject-matter of the workshop is located at the intersection of ancient and medieval philosophy of action (Aristotle and Aquinas), contemporary philosophy of action, practical reason (Aristotelian and Kantian) and legal philosophy.
Distinguished representatives from both the Aristotelian and Kantian traditions together with eminent legal philosophers have been invited to reflect on these issues for three consecutive days at the IVR World Congress in the bustling and cultural city of Frankfurt, Germany.
The IVR World Congress in Legal Philosophy is the perfect intellectual environment to foster thought and ideas at the highest level on the overlapping relationships between practical philosophy, the philosophy of action and legal philosophy. The congress has been held every two years for more than 100 years and has been a driving force in the creation of intellectual partnerships and the generation of important ideas in legal philosophy. Some of the most important legal philosophical ideas of the 20th and 21st century were once presented at a IVR Congress, amongst them Hans Kelsenʼs notion of the basic norm, Joseph Razʼs concept of authority, and Robert Alexyʼs theory of legal argumentation.
The subject-matter of the workshop is located at the intersection of ancient and medieval philosophy of action (Aristotle and Aquinas), contemporary philosophy of action, practical reason (Aristotelian and Kantian) and legal philosophy.
Distinguished representatives from both the Aristotelian and Kantian traditions together with eminent legal philosophers have been invited to reflect on these issues for three consecutive days at the IVR World Congress in the bustling and cultural city of Frankfurt, Germany.
The IVR World Congress in Legal Philosophy is the perfect intellectual environment to foster thought and ideas at the highest level on the overlapping relationships between practical philosophy, the philosophy of action and legal philosophy. The congress has been held every two years for more than 100 years and has been a driving force in the creation of intellectual partnerships and the generation of important ideas in legal philosophy. Some of the most important legal philosophical ideas of the 20th and 21st century were once presented at a IVR Congress, amongst them Hans Kelsenʼs notion of the basic norm, Joseph Razʼs concept of authority, and Robert Alexyʼs theory of legal argumentation.
Kevin Falvey (University of California at SB) - Heidi Hurd (Illinois) TBC - Antony Hatzistavrou (Hull) - Ekow Yankah (Cardozo) - Matyas Bodig (Aberdeen) - Sylvie Delacroix (UCL) - Luis Duarte Almeida (Oxford) - George Pavlakos (Glasgow and Antwerp) - Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco (Birmingham) - Bruno Verbeek (Leiden) - Ken Westphal (Kent) - Ken Ehrenberg (Buffalo) - Sergio Tenenbaum (Toronto) TBC - Sharon Byrd (Jena) and Joachim Hruschka (Erlangen) - Ulrike Heuer (Leeds) - William Edmundson (Georgia State University) - Matthew Hanser (University of California at SB) - Stanley Paulson (St. Louis and Kiel)
Core objective:To investigate the nature of ‘legal authority’, ‘legal obligation’, ‘legal normativity’, ‘rule-following’ and ‘causation and agency in law’.
Contact names
georgios.pavlakos@ua.ac.be - v.rodriguez-blanco@bham.ac.uk
Goethe University, Frankfurt.
georgios.pavlakos@ua.ac.be - v.rodriguez-blanco@bham.ac.uk
Goethe University, Frankfurt.
Source: http://www.ivr2011.org/