Information transmise par I. Arnaoutoglou:
Academy of Athens
Yearbook of the Research Centre for the History of Greek Law
Vol. 42, Supplément XI
Mark Sundahl, David Mirhady, Ilias Arnaoutoglou
A New Working Bibliography of Ancient Greek Law
(7th-4th centuries Be)
Athens, Academy of Athens, mai 2011.
I. Arnaoutoglou, Academy of Athens - iliasarn@Academyofathens.gr
Académy of Athens, 28 Panepistimiou Avenue, 10679 Athens - Tel: +30 210 3364700 - Fax: +30 2103834806 - E-mail: info@academyofathens.gr
Site Internet: http://www.academyofathens.gr/echome.asp?lang=2 (version anglaise, la version principale est en Grec moderne).
Main Contents
Thematic bibliography
I. Sources
- Orators
- Aischines
- Andokides
- Antiphon
- Demades
- Demosthenes / Apollodoros
- Deinarchos
- Hypereides
- Isaios
- Isokrates
- Lykourgos
- Lysias.
- Epic poetry
- Tragedy
- Aischylos
- Euripides
- Sophokles
- Comedy
- Aristophanes
- Menander
- Philosophers
- Aristotle
- Plato
- Historiography
- Thukydides
- Xenophon
- Lexica
- Other literary Sources
- Inscriptions
- Bibliographies and assessment of scholarly contributions; Manuals - introductory essays; Methodology; Greek legal history through different lenses.
- Legal concepts, legal thinking; Dispute settlement and litigation; Origins of law; Writing and codification; Themis, Dike, Thesmos, Nomos, Psephisma; Law and legislators (Lycurgus; Drakon; Solon); Interpretation of laws; Human and fundamental rights; Relation of Greek law to other legal systems; Conflict of laws; Law and justice; Natural law; Legal language and terminology.
- Civic subdivisions; Archives; Constitutions; Magistrates; Nomothesia; Stasis, exile, reconciliation; Ostracism; Polis finances, taxation, coinage.
- Age classes (epheboi, neaniskoi, neoi, etc.); Citizenship (concept, acquisition (naturalization, grant, procedures), proof of); Phratries; Metics (foreign residents, isoteleis); Xenoi; Freedmen (and manumissions); Slaves; Women and law; Associations.
- Household (oikos); Kinship; Guardianship (kyrieia) over women and minors; Marriage; Dowry and property relations between spouses; Divorce; Illegitimacy (nothoi); Adoption; Wills, testaments; Succession ab intestate; Epikleros (Sole heiress).
- Obligations; Contract; Sale; Lease; Loans and credit; Endowments; Locatio conductio operis; Other kinds of contracts; Property relations; Enktesis; Mortgages and security (horoi); Servitudes.
- Commercial law; Maritime law; Banks.
- Homicide; Hybris; Sexual offences; Theft; Other offences; Penal procedures; Penalties.
- Arbitration; Courts (Areopagos); Procedures (regular (dikai - graphai)); Procedures (extraordinary); Famous trials; Personnel; Proofs (Oaths; Torture (Basanas); Witnesses); Enforcement.
- Asebeia (impiety); Asylia (inviolability); Defixiones (Curses); Leges sacrae (Sacred laws).
- Diplomacy; International arbitration; Leagues – Federations ; Metropoleis and colonies; Proxenia; Treaties – Symbola.
Alphabetical bibliography